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The culture of relaxation has developed quite a bit over the past few years, and you have decided to test the benefits of this magic capsule. The thing is you have tried everything, and nothing works for you: yoga, meditation, applications to calm down, alignment with the sounds and vibrations of your Tibetan bowl, participate in a Zen retreat to recharge your batteries, etc. The result is always the same. The pressure does not go down and your parasitic thoughts constantly intervene like the commercial breaks of a TV program in the United States!

So, it stresses you out even more if you can't relax. Yet others manage to do it. You can't help but wonder, how do they do it ?! Maybe you even feel guilty about wanting to take a little time just to relax when you have so much to do.

In short, you cut yourself off from your stressful tasks to relax. Then you stress out because you can't do it. You feel guilty about trying to relax when you have a job to do. In the end, you are still not relaxed. You’re angry, you’re anxious … Welcome to the vicious circle of negative emotions!

What happens is that you are still in control, you can't let go. But beyond that, the image you have of relaxation absolutely does not match the idea you have of it.

A little advice from a sophrologist who wants you well :)

Learn to reconnect with what makes you feel good and brings you well-being such as reading, listening to your favorite playlist songs, singing, dancing, cooking, enjoying a good meal, doing crosswords, getting a massage, taking a nap, walking in nature, jogging in the park, riding a bike, sitting at a sidewalk café or even doing nothing … who knows, but do something that makes you happy. Your endocrine system will then be able to work at full speed and secrete a maximum of happiness hormones to relax you. And know that it de-stresses as much as a meditation session.

Sophrology uses breathing exercises associated with gentle body movements and the visualization of positive images. It will allow you to lower your filters, eliminate guilt and self-criticism so that you can reconnect with your inner self and enjoy this selfish moment in the here and now, in full awareness.

It's time for you to take your discomfort urgently, what do you think? Between us, if you don't pamper yourself, who will?

My Dear Sophro Lovers, I wish you a sweet Sunday filled with kindness and unconditional love for yourself. Take your well-being seriously.

A tsunami of positive waves towards you.

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