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My life story is a bestseller

During the tour to promote her book BECOMING, Michelle Obama went to meet high school girls from Whitney M. Young High School in Chicago. Many high school girls selected for the round table with the First Lady wondered “why me? ". Why was I chosen? The real question that Michelle Obama had asked them was "why not me?".

A Mexican student told her this: “There are girls who are presidents of this club, their ACT, SAT are excellent, etc. I literally come to class to do what I have to do and then leave. I belong to a single club “Latinos Unidos” and then after school I go to work.

The first lady asked her why she had to work. She replied that she had to help her father who had had an accident and who could no longer work as he used to, helping him out would make him feel good. Also, she has three little brothers to take care of, her job allows her to feed them. She is the first in her family to finish high school and graduate. And Michelle Obama said to her out loud, looking at the other girls selected: “And she wonders why she is here, why she was selected! Know that your highs and lows which seem so ordinary to you are your power. »

The paths of our lives seem so banal, ordinary, uninteresting because we think that everyone is going through the same thing as us. That each person must fight to get through the day, that everyone has the same determination as us not to let go. We are the first to value the journey of others and unfortunately also the first not to recognize our own.

Let me tell you this, your life story is a bestseller because it can inspire anyone, you just have to share it. There is a library in Copenhagen in Denmark where it is possible to borrow a human being for 30 minutes rather than a book. This person will tell you about their life, hopes, dreams, doubts, struggles, successes, failures, etc.

Through this mini sophrology exercise, I will allow you to press pause, look in the rear view mirror and take stock of your life in less than 15 minutes. You will then be able to feel pride for all that you have accomplished in your life so far.

Make yourself comfortable in a quiet place and close your eyes.

Choose the person you want to share your journey with.

Now, let come to you all the images that bear witness to your journey until today. The moments of joy as the moments of pain and share them with the person you have chosen.

Take the time to detail each milestone in your story.

Realize that you are still standing, that you have always done your best.

Feel all that pride and power throughout your body. Open your eyes.

You now are ready to conquer this new week that is offered to you, my dear Sophro Lovers.

Remember that you are the superhero of your life.

I wish you an excellent start to the week filled with pride and inspiration.

Take your well-being seriously.

A tsunami of positive waves towards you.

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