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My inspiring circle

This week I watched the first episode of the new season of a series that I particularly like. It is a series that deals with current geopolitical issues and all that this implies for us earthlings. Indeed, as soon as you turn on the TV or the radio, all that comes out are these words on a loop: war, demonstrations, inflation, lower heating, higher electricity prices or electricity shedding, new pensions reform, etc. In the mix, you add your personal challenges: return to school in a few days, fatigue, bronchitis, angina, depression, loneliness, etc.

Sometimes it feels like being caught in a whirlwind (a Ferris wheel that turns without ever stopping) and that one has no way of stopping this infernal train which has only bad news as stops. It is then that the brain will look for stratagems to make up for this drop in serotonin which causes demotivation, loss of pleasure, irritability, and impulsiveness.

Now back to to the series. The main actress visits an experimental clinic because she is looking for a way to “get off the big wheel”. The doctor prescribes her a chemical substance that will act on her central nervous system by modifying her mental activity so that she is in a trance to better understand her daily challenges. This got me thinking …

Actually, the miracle cure exists first within us and then around us thanks to those around us. It is our close circle of inspiring and inspired people that helps us to hold on in difficult times. Our inspiring circle that helps to make us stronger, more combative and determined. This is why it is essential to surround yourself well in life. So as the late Nipsey Hussle would say: "If you look at the people in your circle and don’t get inspired, then you don’t have a circle. You have a cage" Hurry out of it because these "speed bumps" do not bring you anything in your life.

But if you look around you and there is a regenerative energy running through your whole being: may your light shine even brighter, may you smile, may your thoughts be positive, may your self-esteem, self-confidence and creativity increase. That you are more motivated, that you feel light.ers … So you have found your inspiring circle.

Here is a quick sophrology exercise to fill you with all the inspiration that your inspiring circle gives you.

Sit up and think very hard about these persons who inspire you on a daily basis. Extend your arms, inhaling their energy of inspiration through your nose. Hold your breath, gently bring your arms back to your chest as if you were giving them a huge hug. Release your arms along your body, blowing all this energy of inspiration through your mouth to diffuse it throughout your body. Do this three times then three times with your fists closed in order to keep them with you. Finally open your eyes. Realize all the absorbed inspiration now present in your body.

If you also want to fill yourself with the energy of inspiration and sparkle like the fireworks of December 31 at midnight, I strongly advise you today to review your inspirational circle to enter the year 2023 with serenity.

My Dear Sophro Lovers, I wish you an excellent Friday filled with benevolence and inspiration. Take your well-being seriously.

A tsunami of positive waves towards you.

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