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Live up to your potential

Updated: May 30, 2022

“You are not all that you can be, and you already know it” Unknown author.

It seems that we only use 10% of our capacities on a daily basis. Thus, why not conquer the 90% which wander in nature and reclaim our power to become who we are supposed to be? I can already hear you asking me: “it sounds easy said like that, but concretely how do I do it? »

Well, my dear Sophro Lovers, press pause for 2 minutes to learn about your qualities, talents, skills... what makes you unique and who you are. What is THE thing that you do better than another person? What is your magical power?

Because yes, I grant you it is much easier to recognize the talents of the neighbor. To value them without really knowing their history, path, battles, etc. In fact, it is simpler. Except that in the meantime you ignore yourself, you deny yourself recognition for so many reasons because it helps you to stay in your comfort zone and especially not to go out of it.

I’d like to say “basta” to this way of thinking! If so many people can live up to their potential, then deep down you can too.

A quick sophro exercise to help you visualize all this.

Make yourself comfortable on your sofa or yoga mat

Like a superhero/superheroine trying to maximize his.her power, you will imagine yourself in a laboratory, lying on an observation table (have you ever noticed, the superhero/superheroine finds himself whatever happens in a big lab, lying on a table)!

Close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, mindfully.

You will now travel within yourself, within your inner world.

You will visit every corner of your being through a microscope that will gradually zoom in and pierce your skin, your organs to your vessels, your cells, your nuclei, your chromosomes and discover your DNA.

Now walk through your body and see your heart, listen to your heartbeat, watch your lungs inflate with air and then deflate. Enjoy the association of these two organs that allow you to be alive without any daily effort. Feel grateful.

Become aware of your wonderful genetic heritage.

Now you will identify the physical abilities of the human being such as breathing, regenerating, walking, talking, sleeping, etc. Realize that you have these abilities.

Now identify the mental capacities of the human being such as having emotions, dreaming, learning, memorizing, analyzing, etc. Realize that you also have all these abilities.

Take a moment to value all this human wealth present in you.

Now you will add your magic spice, your gift

Appreciate what comes to you effortlessly

Welcome with kindness and without judgment what emerges and take the time to discover your various personal capacities

Imagine the merging of all this potential added to your natural, physical, and mental abilities and feel every positive vibration in your body.

Like a superhero / superheroine feel your armor materialize on your body from head to toe

Feel your potential increase with every breath, every beat of your heart

Appreciate that your potential makes you want to push your limits and get out of your comfort zone

Give yourself this unconditional love for yourself and allow yourself the right to make mistakes

Feel indestructible, combative, determined, savor this unprecedented transformation taking more and more space

Realize that you are unique in the world

Capture this feeling of power in every cell of your being

When you are ready, you can open your eyes. Pumped up. Ready to conquer the world.

A very wise person once told me, "In the end there will only be regrets for the things you didn't do. So, you might as well dare to do them, here and now »

Take your well-being seriously my dear Sophro Lovers. I wish you a new week filled with beautiful ideas, initiatives to take, opportunities to seize, projects and dreams to achieve. Illuminate the world with your light.

A tsunami of positive waves towards you.

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