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Updated: Sep 6, 2021

Whether you are a « July-ist » or an “August-ian”, the return to work (100% on-site or working from home) and to school is inevitable. Oh yes good things come to an end ...

But we have to come back to leave again, don't we? :)

So to get rid of the blues after returning from vacation and to stay in this beautiful energy accumulated on vacation, I suggest a visualization exercise which is a relaxation in a static position.

Make yourself comfortable (sitting or lying down) and close your eyes.

Take a deep breath while inflating the stomach and chest.

Slowly breathe out through your mouth as if you wanted to blow a candle while letting your stomach and chest drop down.

Feel the calm that gradually settles in your body.

Now imagine yourself at your vacation spot.

You are in a good mood, in total letting go, you enjoy this little moment of freedom.

Feel the heat on your body, the rays of our dear Sun King caressing your skin.

Imagine the places, the decor, the landscape, the colors, the people who were part of your trip, imagine their looks, their smiles, their joie de vivre.

Listen to the sounds and noises around you, maybe music, conversations, laughter.

Pay attention to all the sounds coming to you and amplify their volume with each breath.

Now identify the smells and scents that characterize your vacation spot.

Perhaps the smells of meals, drinks, desserts that you may have enjoyed.

Touch the objects that are close to you, maybe a glass, a bath towel, a backpack, touch the materials, take the time to remember each sensation.

Perceive bitter, salty or sweet tastes in your mouth.

Imagine all those pleasant flavors that are spreading in your mouth and remind you of your vacation.

Inhale all the positive feelings and the beautiful energies that these memories give you and breathe out gently through your mouth to spread them throughout your body.

Become aware of all these positive sensations in your body and identify where they are manifesting themselves, where they are located.

Integrate them into your whole being. Fill yourself with these positive sensations as if you were a bottle and close the cap so that they do not escape.

Feel a smile on your lips.

Carefully keep the positive feelings of your vacation memories in you.

Make sure you activate them whenever the blues appears, or the pressure and stress try to dominate you.

Open your eyes.

The exercise is now over.

You are THE "Chief Happiness Officer" of your own life.

Thus, take your well-being seriously.

I wish you a wonderful back to school 2021/2022.

An ocean of love towards you and may it completely flood you :)

***Photo Credits: Jonathan Dombasi

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