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How to spread the love around you?

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

Why do we always wait for the internet to decree that it is the International Day of Happiness, Youth, Friendship, Yoga, etc.

Why not decree and decide all by ourselves as grown-ups that today would be the national or international day (depending on) of love?

Today, make the decision to spread love all around you. First of all, give love to yourself, then to your families and friends then to your neighbors and colleagues (Say what now?! No way and especially not to Janine from Accounts) !!! And why not?

Sometimes a smile, a look, a sincere "Are you okay today?", can change everything in someone’s life.

With the Free Hugs Movement being a bit compromised these days, use tricks to spread your energy of love all around you.

A quick but efficient sophro exercise to get you in the mood:

Get comfortable in your chair, recliner or stretch out on your yoga / gym / sports mat and close your eyes.

Take a deep breath through your nose as if you wanted to breathe in life energy.

Exhale positive air through your mouth.

Feel the love that gradually settles in your body.

Now let an image, that inspires you with love, come to you.

Perhaps it is memories of the birth of a child, a wedding, or quality times with family or friends.

Imagine the setting of the scene as well as its colors, sounds and noises, scents and smells.

Let all the positive feelings of this image flood you.

Become aware of the feelings of love that are gradually activated in your body.

Now I suggest you imbue yourself with this love activated in all parts of your body.

Little by little, fill up your emotional reservoir like a bottle with a sparkling drink inside.

Bring your attention to your face.

Inhale as you inflate your belly. Hold your breath and hold the feelings of love in your mind. Then, breathe gently through your mouth to diffuse them on your face.

Emotional reservoir charged to 20%

Move your attention to your neck, shoulders, arms and hands

Inhale as you inflate your belly. Hold your breath and record the feelings of love in your mind. Then, breathe gently through your mouth so that the feelings of love invade all of your upper limbs.

Emotional reservoir charged to 40%

Bring your attention to your back, chest and stomach.

Inhale as you inflate your belly. Hold your breath and record the feelings of love in your mind. Then, breathe gently through your mouth so that they flood your back, chest, and stomach.

Emotional reservoir charged to 60%

Move your attention to your pelvis and glutes.

Inhale as you inflate your belly. Hold your breath and seal the feelings of love in your mind. Then, breathe gently through your mouth so that they spread into your pelvis and buttocks.

Emotional reservoir charged to 80%

And to finish …

Bring your attention to your legs and feet.

Inhale as you inflate your belly. Hold your breath and hold the feelings of love in your mind. Then, breathe gently through your mouth so that they activate throughout your lower limbs.

Emotional reservoir charged to 100%

Feel the bubbling of all this love throughout your whole being.

Take a deep breath to amplify the intensity of this love.

Breathe out strongly through your mouth to let all the love accumulated in your body flow out.

Breathe naturally again.

Open your eyes.

Congratulations!!! You are now ready to spread love around you without apprehension or prejudice.

A fantabulous start of the week filled with light and positive energy.

An ocean of love towards you and may it completely flood you :)

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