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Day "OFF"

The terminology of this expression is quite interesting, what do you think? Day “OFF”. Does that mean that the rest of the time we are on “ON” days? We are given permission to do nothing but oddly the day "OFF" is more like a catch-up day than anything else.

Whether it's a Saturday, Sunday or some other day of the week (break, paid leave, etc), the day “OFF” allows us to catch up on something. Running errands, doctor's appointments, the latest episodes of our favorite series, etc.

What about the self-pampering in all this? When do we really press the "OFF" button to give ourselves THE much-needed break time for the mind and body without feeling guilty? We have been taught to always be "doing" so as not to be labeled a "lazy" and consequently even sitting down for 2 minutes on our sofa and contemplating nothingness, seems forbidden to us. Here, we even forbid ourselves things at home, new concept!!

A quick sophro exercise to finally be able to enjoy the day "OFF" serenely and without feeling guilty. Hmmm your inner voice is not going to be happy about this, but a break will not hurt it as well J

Find the quietest place possible and sit there for a moment.

Get comfortable, sit on a chair / armchair or stretch out on your bed, sofa or yoga / gym mat.

Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath while inhaling through your nose and breathe out gently through your mouth to release all the pressure built up in your body.

Repeat this little breathing exercise until you feel completely calm.

Now you are going to imagine an all-white wall with the word "AUTHORIZATION" written on it.

Imagine the colors of each letter. Their shapes. The theme and font size.

Perceive the pleasant sensations which the sight of this word gives you: "AUTHORIZATION"

Feel the serenity and calm gradually spread over your face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, back, solar plexus, stomach, pelvis, gluteal muscles, legs and feet.

Now you will soak up this feeling of serenity by inhaling through your nose while inflating your belly and chest. Hold your breath and memorize the word "authorization" in your head. Then breathe gently through your mouth to color your skin with this word like a luminous tattoo all over your body.

To reinforce this feeling, say, "I allow myself to do nothing" in your head.

Feel the power of these words within you.

Repeat several times, "I allow myself to do nothing" such as a mantra and amplify the effects of this statement with each breath.

Continue at your own pace to program this statement into your head and break that guilt feeling with each breath.

Now you are going to add this, "I allow myself to do nothing, all day," and let each word invade all the tissues and cells of your being.

Keep repeating this statement over and over, "I allow myself to do nothing, all day. "

Diffuse all the benefits of these words with each breath and amplify the sensations they generate in you.

Continue at your own pace and repeat this sentence for as long as needed.

Realize that you have reprogrammed your brain to definitely and truly have a day “OFF” all day.

Hold on to this state and all the positive feelings and sensation in your entire body.

I can't say this enough: "Taking time for yourself is caring for yourself. "

Wishing you an excellent start of the week, my dear Sophro Lovers.

May life spoil and surprise you at every moment.

Take your well-being seriously!

An ocean of love towards you.

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